
銀行· 5000-10000人

匯豐銀行(中國(guó))有限公司于2007年4月2日正式開(kāi)業(yè),是一家本地注冊(cè)的外資法人銀行,由香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司全資擁有。香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司于1865年在香港和上海成立,是匯豐集團(tuán)的創(chuàng)始成員。匯豐中國(guó)前身是香港上海匯豐銀行有限公司的原中國(guó)內(nèi)地分支機(jī)構(gòu)。 匯豐是在內(nèi)地投資**的外資銀行之一,在投資自身發(fā)展的同時(shí),也入股內(nèi)地中資金融機(jī)構(gòu),包括交通銀行。 匯豐中國(guó)目前擁有員工約7000人,其中約99%是本地人才。 匯豐中國(guó)已在內(nèi)地50多個(gè)城市設(shè)立了約140個(gè)服務(wù)網(wǎng)點(diǎn),是內(nèi)地網(wǎng)點(diǎn)**、地域覆蓋**的外資銀行。 憑借對(duì)中國(guó)內(nèi)地市場(chǎng)的深入了解和國(guó)際金融服務(wù)專(zhuān)業(yè)經(jīng)驗(yàn),匯豐在內(nèi)地為客戶(hù)提供廣泛的金融和銀行服務(wù),包括財(cái)富管理及個(gè)人銀行業(yè)務(wù)、工商金融業(yè)務(wù)以及環(huán)球銀行及資本市場(chǎng)業(yè)務(wù)。 HSBC Bank (China) Company Limited started operations on 2 April 2007 as a locally incorporated foreign bank. It is owned by the Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited, the founding member of the HSBC Group, which was established in Hong Kong and Shanghai in 1865. HSBC China incorporated the previous Mainland offices of its parent. HSBC is one of the ******* investors among foreign banks in mainland China, having invested in the growth of its own operations and in select Mainland financial services entities, including Bank of Communications. HSBC China employs around 7,000 staff, around 99 per cent of whom were recruited locally. It has a branch network of around 140 outlets across more than 50 cities. This is the ******* service network covering the widest geographical reach by any foreign bank in mainland China. HSBC’s knowledge of mainland China and its international operations enable it to provide customers with a wide range of financial and banking services, including wealth and personal banking, commercial banking, and global banking and markets.
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